
Posts tagged knee replacement

Dr. Hess is the best, really. He replaced my left knee last year, and did such a great job, that I had him replace my right one this year. I dance around my house every day so thankful that I can. I'm so glad I found him, you will be too.

- K.M.

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My experience having a total knee replacement was an excellent one. The surgery went quite well. Up and walking right away with aid of walker. After several months I was walking with the aid of a cane followed shortly by walking without any aids. Dr. Arthur Hess did an excellent job, not only in the surgery but also in the follow-ups postoperative.

- M.M.

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I’m currently just two weeks out from my knee replacement and am so pleased with the surgery itself and the result of flexibility in my leg already. Dr. Hess did an amazing job. A tremendous success! Thank you Dr. Hess!

- D.D.

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